eVoting in NGOs

NGO or a Non-Government Organization is an organization which is set up for non-profit, philanthropic or charitable purpose and is not owned by government. NGOs are generally managed by a group of people and hence require voting for selection of the management committee or trustees. Generally, NGOs do not have any owner / promoter / shareholder / unit holder. Money raised by NGOs are in form of donation or contribution by individuals, corporates, government, and other organizations. Contribution to NGO does not give ownership right to the contributor.
NGOs are formed for specific purpose which is non-profit in nature. At times corporates also fund and form NGOs with specific charitable purpose. Forming of NGOs to act as lobby group or to avoid taxes is not uncommon.
NGOs are also known by other names including third-sector organization (TSO), non-profit organization (NPO), voluntary organization (VO), civil society organization (CSO), grassroots organization (GO), social movement organization (SMO), private voluntary organization (PVO), self-help organization (SHO), and non-state actors (NSAs).
NGOs are generally structured as trusts, charities, foundations, associations or not for profit companies. Many small NGOs may also remain unincorporated or unregistered.
Any reasonable size NGO require trustees or management committee to manage the activities of the NGO. Members / contributors / employees / volunteers may vote and elect the committee members.
Broadly speaking, NGOs are also a kind of association of persons and is managed by selected representatives. Generally, these management committee members are elected and remain in management for fixed duration. Rest of the members continue as volunteers.
There are many large and international NGOs like Lions Club International (LCI), Rotary International, International Inner Wheel Club, YMCA. These organizations have chapters in several cities across the world and might have hundreds of subset organizations afflicted to the parent organization. Generally, each subset, chapter or branch of these organizations' election their own management committee through voting among members. Elections happen at each level – local, city, state, country, region, international.
Right2Vote's online voting platform helps manage many such elections across the world. These elections require high level of security and ability to manage elections across the country and the world. Right2Vote's eVoting platform is very user friendly with inbuilt features like secret ballot, audit trail, voter receipt, single transferable preference vote (STPV), voter selfie, geo-tagging, gee-fencing, IP restriction, personalized invites and reminders, OTP based authentication etc. to enable such elections. Right2Vote's election platform is very customizable and 1600+ different combinations of elections is possible on the platform.
Right2Vote's online election technology helps NGOs to conduct elections at very low cost with high level of security and transparency. NGO members are able to vote from anywhere and they need not visit the booth to vote. Elections on Right2Vote's election platform is very efficient and cost effective. The biggest advantage of the eVoting technology is that it substantially increases the voter turnout.