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Indian National Elections 2024



Right2Vote is the best online voting website and app which enables you to create and participate in online elections

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Indian National Elections 2024


Why Choose Us?

Right2Vote is the best eVoting software due to following reasons
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Govt. of India Certified and Approved

Right2Vote's eVoting platform is tested and certified by Standardization Testing and Quality Certification (STQC) Directorate under Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeiTY), Government of India. It is also approved by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Government of India. Check out the certificates here.

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100% Secure Icon - Right2Vote
100% Secure

Right2Vote's online voting system has many layers of security making the platform 100% secure. Security features include encryption, authentication based on OTP, Aadhaar, Biometric. Features like voter selfie, double authentication, audit trail, voter receipt and much more.

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Easy To Use Icon - Right2Vote
Easy to Use

Right2Vote's mobile election system is very user friendly and voting can be done anytime and from anywhere within seconds. Voting can be done via mobile browser, website, android app or iOS app. Check the demo video here.

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Cost Effective Icon - Right2Vote
Cost Effective

The complete election can be conducted for as low as Rs 10,000. Cost includes the cost of setting up the poll, sending invites, cloud hosting, voting process and also live result counting. No need to spend a single rupee on election booths, manpower, EVM machines, ballot paper, security, logistics, counting etc. Check out our transparent pricing here.

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Feature Rich Icon - Right2Vote
Feature Rich

Right2Vote's online election software is very customizable and has more than 1600 different types of election configuration possible. Optional features include secret ballot, audit trail, Voter selfie, voter receipt, IP restriction, geo tagging, geo fencing, result multi-lock, Single preference vote and many more.

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3000+ Elections Annually Icon - Right2Vote
3000+ elections every year

Right2Vote's election site is being used by leading companies like Tata, Godrej, PwC, EY, KPMG, ILFS, SBI. All kinds of organizations including associations, corporates, cooperatives, clubs, colleges, insolvency professionals, NGOs, unions, societies are regularly using Right2Vote mobile eVoting software. Check out our customer list.

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Industries using our eVoting Services

IBC Icon - Right2Vote
eVoting under IBC

Online voting software for creditors, homebuyers and other class of creditors eVoting under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC).

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Housing Societies Icon - Right2Vote
Housing Societies

Online voting technology for committee elections and voting on resolutions in apartments, housing societies, home owners assocations.

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Associations Icon - Right2Vote

eVoting technology for elections in professional associations, trade associations, social assocations, employee assocations and all other assocations.

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Colleges Icon - Right2Vote

Online election platform for student elections, hostel elections, department elections, alumni elections, polling in classroom, student opinion poll and contests.

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Clubs Icon - Right2Vote

eVoting and opinion poll software for elections and resolution voting in gymkhanas, social clubs, activity clubs, professional clubs and all other clubs.

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Corporate Icon - Right2Vote

eVoting technology for elections, resolutions and opinion polls in Corporates.

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NGOs Icon - Right2Vote

Online election software for voting in Non Government Organizations, trusts, social groups, self help groups, religious groups.

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Unions Icon - Right2Vote

Online election technology for employee unions, trade unions, professional unions and other unions.

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Others Icon - Right2Vote

Online election website for elections, resolution voting, opinion poll, live voting in all kind of organization.

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