Vote Record
Lok Sabha Election Result 2024 - Right2Vote
Orrisa State Elections 2024 Result - Right2Vote
Orrisa State Elections 2024 Result - Right2Vote
Andhra Pradesh State Elections 2024 Result - Right2Vote
Arunachal Pradesh State Elections 2024 Result - Right2Vote
Sikkim State Elections 2024 Result - Right2Vote

Online voting is not allowed in Lok Sabha Election 2024 – WHY?

In 2015, we started Right2Vote with the mission to upgrade elections in India to internet based online voting, where citizens can vote directly from their mobile from anywhere. No need to travel to booth and no need to stand in queue. The vision was to ensure that no voter is denied his right to vote and hence the name Right2Vote.

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If online voting is allowed then what are the benefits?

In the Indian Lok Sabha Election 2024, online voting is not allowed. Make sure you travel to the specific booth during the specified 12-hour slot and vote. If you are travelling or located away from the booth, hard luck. You can transfer your money online, but not your vote.

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Voters Who Need Online Voting

Voters Who Need Online Voting

Election Dates

Phase 1

19 April 2024

102 Constituencies
21 States

Phase 2

26 April 2024

89 Constituencies
13 States

Phase 3

7 May 2024

94 Constituencies
12 States

Phase 4

13 May 2024

96 Constituencies
10 States

Phase 5

20 May 2024

49 Constituencies
8 States

Phase 6

25 May 2024

57 Constituencies
7 States

Phase 7

1 June 2024

57 Constituencies
8 States

Election Result Dates - Right2Vote

Why denying online voting option is equivalent to denying right to vote?

More than 33% of the Indian population or roughly 33 crore voters would not be able to vote in Indian Lok Sabha Election 2024 due to lack of online voting option. The winning party in the Indian Lok Sabha Election 2024 will win less than 33 crore votes in aggregate across all the Lok Sabha constituency.

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How much India spends on a Lok Sabha election?

Foundation of good decision making is availability of sound data. I believe, big reason for low quality political decision making in India is misleading & low-quality data. The whole process of accounting in government is managed by people who have no training in accounting. Also, the leaders – bureaucrats from administrative services and politicians have no understanding of accounting.

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