Copyright policy
All copyrights are reserved with Right2Vote Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Material featured on this site may be reproduced free of charge in any format or media without requiring specific permission. This is subject to the material being reproduced accurately and not being used in a derogatory manner or in a misleading context. Where the material is being published or issued to others, the source must be prominently acknowledged. However, the permission to reproduce this material does not extend to any material on this site, which is identified as being the copyright of a third party. Authorization to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned.
Hyper Linking Policy
Links to external websites/portalsAt many places in this website, you shall find links to other websites / portals / web applications / mobile apps. These links have been placed for your convenience. Right2Vote is not responsible for the contents of the linked destinations and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in them. Mere presence of the link or its listing on this website should not be assumed as endorsement of any kind. On clicking of external links, our website displays this message "This link will take you outside the website. Are you sure?" Request you to take your own call at your own risk before confirming. We can not guarantee that these links will work all the time and we have no control over availability of linked destinations.
Links to our website by other websitesWe do not object to you linking directly to the information that is hosted on this website and no prior permission is required for the same. However, we would like you to inform us about any links provided to this website. Please note, we keep making changes to our website and request you to keep track and be informed of any changes or updates therein. You should update the links accordingly. Right2Vote would not be informing and will not be responsible for any inconvenience caused due to such change. Also, we do not permit our pages to be loaded into frames on your site. The pages belonging to this website must load into a newly opened browser window of the User.
Privacy policy
Personal Information
The login ID of the user is his mobile number or his email ID. Hence, every user needs to provide this information. We also ask the user to enter other personal details such as Date of Birth, Gender, e-mail address, etc. only if he creates a poll in our website/mobile app. For other users, these details are not mandatory and they might provide the details only if they wish to. In polls requiring additional security based on picture, IP address, location etc. we collect that specific information of the customers. But this information are not used in the profile of the voter and is limited to particular poll as additional layer of security and transparency. When poll is deleted, these voter data is also deleted. This information is NOT shared with any other website/agency and is used only by Right2Vote Infotech Pvt. Ltd. to provide better facilities to the user. Our website never collects information or creates individual profiles for commercial marketing.We do collect some technical information when you visit to make your visit seamless. The section below explains how we handle and collect technical information when you visit our website.
Technical Information
Information collected and stored automatically When you browse, read pages, or download information on this website, we automatically gather and store certain technical information about your visit. This information never identifies who you are. The information we collect and store about your visit is listed below:
- The Internet domain of your service provider (e.g. mtnl.net.in) and IP address (an IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you're surfing the web) from which you access our website.
- The type of browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, Netscape, or Internet Explorer) and operating system (Windows, Unix) used to access our site
- The date and time you accessed our site
- The pages/URLs you have visited and
If you reached this website from another website, the address of that referring website
This information is only used to help us make the site more useful for you. With this data, we learn about the number of visitors to our site and the types of technology our visitors use. We never track or record information about individuals and their visits.
Use of Cookies
When you visit some websites, they may download small pieces of software on your computer/browsing device known as cookies. Some cookies collect personal information to recognize your computer in the future. We only use non-persistent cookies or “per- session cookies”.
Per-session cookies serve technical purposes, like providing seamless navigation through this website. These cookies do not collect personal information on users and they are deleted as soon as you leave our website.
The cookies do not permanently record data and they are not stored on your computer's hard drive. The cookies are stored in memory and are only available during an active browser session. Again, once you close your browser, the cookie disappears.
Site Security
For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, we have deployed commercial software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. We have also used token authentication to protect the APIs from unauthorized usage. Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, no other attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits. Raw data logs are used for no other purposes and are scheduled for regular deletion.Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this service are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Indian IT Act (2000).Website Content :- Privacy Policy
Content Contribution, Moderation & Approval Policy (CMAP)
Right2Vote is a polling website. Most of the content is dynamic, i.e. it keeps getting updated as and when the users create/answer polls. There are few static pages with content about the website in terms of features, terms & conditions, contact information, etc. The information is fairly static and is not changed often. This content is prepared by the business development team and authorized by the CEO. This approved content is forwarded to the Technical Department team which updates the approved content on the website. The process of approval by the CEO and then forwarding to the technical department is done via emails and not on the right2vote platform.
Sr.no Page Content Created By Approved By Approved content is updated on Website By 1 Home Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 2 About Right2Vote Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 3 Blogs Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 4 Awards Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 5 In the media Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 6 Customer Testimonials Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 7 Organization Structure Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 8 Mobile Voting Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 9 Features Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 10 Services Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 11 Circulars Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 12 Contact Us Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 13 Terms & Conditions Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 114 Website Policies Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 15 Case Studies Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept 16 Photo Gallery Business Development Team CEO Technical Dept -
Web Content Review Policy (CRP)
The content of the website front page and pages before the log in is reviewed by the CEO office, every month and immediately after it is updated on website. In case of any complain or if during regular review any objectional / unwanted content is found by the CEO office, the content is removed.
Sr.no Page Content Review Period Reviewed and Approved By Approved content is updated on Website By 1 Home Monthly CEO Technical Dept 2 About Right2Vote Monthly CEO Technical Dept 3 Blogs Monthly CEO Technical Dept 4 Awards Monthly CEO Technical Dept 5 In the media Monthly CEO Technical Dept 6 Customer Testimonials Monthly CEO Technical Dept 7 Organization Structure Monthly CEO Technical Dept 8 Mobile Voting Information Pages Monthly CEO Technical Dept 9 Features Monthly CEO Technical Dept 10 Services Monthly CEO Technical Dept 11 Circulars Monthly CEO Technical Dept 12 Contact Us Monthly CEO Technical Dept 13 Terms & Conditions Monthly CEO Technical Dept 114 Website Policies Monthly CEO Technical Dept 15 Case Studies Monthly CEO Technical Dept 16 Photo Gallery Monthly CEO Technical Dept -
Content Archival Policy
As an archival policy Right2Vote, on 1st September of each year, Right2Vote archives all data older than 18 months. Archived data would also be reviewed every year. Any data that is found to be more than 5 years old will be removed from the archived section. We have an archive section in the footer of the website which links to the archive.
Security policy
Website Security Policy of Right2Vote Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Right2Vote Infotech Pvt. Ltd. has a responsibility to protect from disclosure to unauthorized parties the personally identifiable information (name, address, date of birth, social security number, etc.) of its website users. Sensitive user data like their mobile number and date of birth is masked and third parties do not have access to the same.
Notice and Disclosures
Right2Vote Infotech Pvt. Ltd. will not sell, trade, nor disclose the personally identifiable information of its website users to any unauthorized third parties.
Data Quality and Access
Right2Vote Infotech Pvt. Ltd., takes all the necessary steps to ensure that the data on the website is not tampered with. As it is a polling website most of the information is dynamic. The static content on the website is purely informational guiding the users how best to use the features of the platform.
The website is hosted on AWS and adequate firewalls have been created to protect the servers. Commercial softwares have also been deployed on the website to protect against unauthorized usage
Data Security
Right2Vote takes security very seriously and has therefore taken every precaution to secure our borrowers information. In order to secure the users information, we have implemented several security measures to prevent loss, theft, or misuse of any borrower data.
The SSL browser encryption is used to ensure that all sensitive data transmissions between the users and website are encrypted and secured to the highest level possible. The APIs are secured, to ensure no one but the user can change his/her personal as well as poll information.
Server Audit
All servers are monitored around the clock for attempted network attacks. Commercial softwares are employed to ensure that any breach of the perimeter defense is detected and dealt with immediately.
All the development work is done in a separate development environment and well tested on the staging server before updating it on the production server. The contents on the server are uploaded using secured SFTP.
Server passwords and Wordpress admin passwords are updated on a regular basis. These passwords are shared with authorized personnel only. A full back-up of all data automatically occurs on a daily basis.
Website Monitoring Plan
The website is monitored periodically in accordance with the plan to address and fix the quality and compatibility issues around the following parameters:
- Performance and Availability: Improvements are made continuously to increase the site performance. Google Analytics is used to monitor this quarterly.
- Functionality: All modules of the website are regularly tested for their functionality. It is ensured that interactive components of the site are working smoothly.
- Broken Links and Accuracy of Hyperlinks: W3C Link Checker is used to find broken links on website. Reports are generated quarterly, As and when such links are identified, they are fixed at the earliest.
- Traffic Analysis: Google Analytics is used to monitor the traffic.
- Feedback: We have provided contact us feature on the website so that users can send across their suggestions, comments and complains. These comments, suggestions and complains are reviewed and acted upon by the business development team on daily basis. CEO of the company also reviews these comments received on the website to ensure proper response and closure.
Refund Policy
Right2Vote Infotech Private Limited does not offer any refunds. Customers are requested to kindly pay only when they are sure that they want to use the service.
However, Right2Vote management at their discretion may provide refunds in specific cases based on the merit of the case. Such refund would be credited in the accounts of the clients in 5-7 working days.