Government Elections
Right2Vote's online election platform was conceived way back in 2014 to upgrade Indian political elections from EVM (Electronic Voting Machine) based voting to mobile based internet voting.
Indian has 3 main types of government or political elections:
- Lok Sabha Elections or National elections
- Vidhan Sabha / Legislative assembly Elections or State elections for respective states
- Local body elections or Municipal and Panchayat elections
Apart from the above elections where all the citizens of the country vote to elect their representatives directly, there are other government elections which include:
- Election of President and Vice President of India
- Election of Rajya Sabha (upper house of the national parliament)
- Election of Vidhan Parishad or the legislative assembly (upper house of the respective state legislature)
- Graduate representative, teachers' representatives and others
Indian Lok Sabha Elections mind boggling numbers are worth nothing:
- 97 crore Indians above the age of 18 are eligible to vote
- More than Rs. 35000 crore is spent on each National elections every 5 years
- More than 1 crore people are deployed on election duty
- Election process runs for around 2 months
- More than 11 lakh booths are set up across the country
- Result counting takes minimum 3 days from the election date due to logistics of EVMs
- Still voting percentage is only around 65%, which means one-third of the eligible population, or 33 crore people are unable to vote!
Potential impact of Right2Vote's online election technology
Right2Vote has built very secured and transparent online voting system with Aadhaar based authentication for free and fair elections. As and when Right2Vote's eVoting technology is used for Indian National Elections, it will have following benefits.
- Voter turnout would increase from around 65% to 95% plus. NRIs, armed forces, migrants, students, doctors, old, sick and others who are denied right to vote due to requirement of physical presence at booth would be able to exercise their right to vote.
- There would be saving of minimum Rs. 30,000 crores in election cost
- People required to manage the election would be reduced by more than 99%. The whole election can be managed by less than 1000 people
- Election duration can be reduced to 2-3 days from current 60 days
- Result counting would be automatic and instant. Result would be available as soon as the voting is voter.
- With Aadhaar based biometric authentication and internet based central cloud server, all malpractices like duplicate voting, false voting, impersonation, booth capturing, counting errors etc would be eliminated and it would be a very secured, transparent, and fair elections.
BBC featured Right2Vote's online voting technology with biometric authentication:
Maharashtra State Election Commission is already doing a pilot with Right2Vote for online voting. Other state election commission including Telangana State Election Commission and Gujarat State Election Commission are also doing pilot for online voting. Election Commission of India is doing pilot for providing 2-way online voting options to NRIs and members of the armed forces. Online voting is the future of all democracies. Estonia started online voting for government elections way back in 2005. What need to be seen is how fast India will embrace technology compared to rest of the world.
Government Undertaking Elections Conducted Using Right2Vote
Right2Vote’s platform has been successfully utilized for elections in several government undertakings.
- Indian Oil Corporation Retired Officers Welfare Society, Delhi, Delhi
- All India Mes Civilian Draughtsman Association, Pune, Maharashtra
- NTPC's Executives Association of Ramagundam, Peddapally, Telangana
- NTPC Apex Association, Shaktinagar, Uttar Pradesh
- NPTC Executives Federation of India, Kolkata, West Bengal
- U.P Power Corporation C.P.F Trust, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
- U.P State Power Sector Employees Trust, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
- U.P Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd CPF Trust, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
- NTPC Executive Federation of India, Kolkata, West Bengal
- Centre for Development of Stones, Jaipur, Rajasthan
- Kendriya Vihar Resident Welfare Association, Khurda, Odisha