Frequently Asked Questions
What is online voting or an online election system?
Online voting is a way to vote using the internet instead of going to a polling booth. An online election system is a secure website or an app where people can cast their vote to preferred candidate or option from anywhere using a phone, computer or tablet and makes voting easier, quicker and safer.
How does online voting work?
Online voting allows you to vote using a phone, computer or tablet. First, you log in to a secure website or app using your username, password or a special code. Then, you see the list of candidates or options and click to make your choice. After that, you submit your vote and it gets saved safely in a secure system.
What is a secret ballot, and how is it implemented in online voting?
A secret ballot means no one can see who you voted for, keeping your vote private and confidential. In online voting, a secret ballot works by using special technology like encryption to hide your identity. So when you vote online, your name is not linked to your vote. Even the people running the election can’t see who you voted for, making sure your choice stays secret.
How do audit trails work in online elections?
An audit trail is a digital record that tracks the IP address and time when a voter cast their vote, without revealing who they voted for. It helps determine whether the election is fair and if all votes are counted correctly.
Is it allowed to take a photo of my online ballot?
Most online voting systems don’t allow you to take a picture of your marked ballot. This is to protect the privacy of your vote and prevent others from influencing your decision.
What is voter authentication in online elections?
Voter authentication is the process of verifying a voter’s identity before they are allowed to vote. Online platforms use methods like OTP verification, biometrics or secure login through government-issued IDs to ensure that only eligible voters can cast their ballots.
Are online elections compatible with a secret ballot system?
Yes, online election platforms are designed to comply with the secret ballot system. They use encryption and anonymization techniques to ensure that no one, including election officials, can trace a vote back to a specific voter.
How do audit trails ensure the integrity of an online election?
Audit trails track time of voting and the IP address of the voter. This transparent process allows election administrators to review the accuracy and integrity of the election results without revealing voter identities.
Can I vote from any device in an online election?
Yes, you can vote using any internet-connected device such as a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. Most online election platforms are optimized to work on various devices, ensuring easy access for voters.
What is multi-factor authentication (MFA) in online elections?
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security measure that requires voters to verify their identity using two or more methods (e.g., password and OTP). This helps prevent unauthorized access and ensures that only legitimate voters can participate.
What are the benefits of using secret ballots in online voting?
Secret ballots ensure voter privacy and help prevent coercion or vote buying. In online elections, encryption technology ensures that voter choices remain confidential, upholding the democratic principle of free and fair elections.
How does a voter verification process work in online elections?
Voter verification in online elections involves confirming the identity of the voter using credentials like government-issued IDs, OTPs or biometric data. Once verified, the voter can cast their vote securely and privately.
What is voter coercion, and how do online elections prevent it?
Voter coercion occurs when someone is forced or influenced to vote a certain way. Online election platforms prevent coercion by ensuring the anonymity of the vote through secret ballots, preventing others from knowing how a person voted.
How do audit trails help verify election results?
Audit trails in online elections allow for the verification of every vote cast without revealing voter identities. This ensures that the election process can be reviewed for accuracy, integrity and transparency, without compromising the secrecy of individual votes.
Can online elections prevent double voting or vote tampering?
Yes, online voting platforms have security measures such as voter authentication, audit trails, and real-time monitoring to prevent double voting, vote tampering or other types of fraud. Each vote is securely tracked and recorded.
What is a ‘voter selfie,’ and is it allowed in online elections?
A voter selfie is additional verification method where a voter takes a picture of themselves before voting. This feature helps make sure that the person voting is actually the right voter. In online election, there’s a risk that someone else could vote for the real voter, so the voter selfie makes sure the voter is doing it themselves.
What happens if I lose internet connectivity during an online vote?
If you lose internet connectivity while voting, most online platforms let you log back in and finish voting once your connection is restored.
Are online elections legally recognized?
The legality of online elections depends on the country or region. While many private organizations use online voting for official elections, its use in public government elections is determined by local laws. In India, Right2Vote's online voting platform has been certified by the Standardization Testing and Quality Certification (STQC) Directorate under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) after thorough testing for security and quality. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has also approved Right2Vote's platform for use in elections.
Can audit trails in online elections compromise voter privacy?
No, audit trails in online elections are designed to track voting processes like time of voting and without revealing personal voter information. They ensure transparency and accountability in the election process while maintaining the anonymity of each voter’s choice.